Rotor: The blades and hub of the wind turbine that rotate during turbine operation. Any other information requested by the Planning Board. Containment systems shall be sheltered so that the intrusion of precipitation is effectively prevented. 7.0 Administration (TO BE MOVED FROM SECTION 7 TO A NEW SECTION 12). Exemptions for Application of Pesticides, Herbicides, Fertilizers, Fungicides and Rodenticides: The application of those Regulated, Substances used as pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, fungicides, and, rodenticides in recreation, agriculture, pest control and aquatic weed, control activities shall be exempt from the provisions of this By-Law. All means of disconnecting the WECF shall be clearly indicated on the materials provided, and marked on each wind turbine. The Planning Board shall require, as a condition for special permit approval under this Bylaw that the deeds to the affordable housing units contain a restriction against renting or leasing said unit during the period for which the housing unit contains a restriction on affordability. WECF and Met Towers shall be subject to the following dimensional requirements: A WECF shall be no higher than four hundred fifty (450) feet above the elevation at its base. (b) Post-testing. [Amended 2007]. The following shall apply to all premises in all districts: Off-street parking must be provided to service the net increase in parking demand created by new construction, additions or change of use. All studies, plans, design criteria with regard to all engineering aspects of a plan submitted under the Section shall conform to the Subdivision Rules and Regulations of the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea. Reinstate gravel or ground cover consistent with the surrounding landscape. be prohibited without receipt of a special permit from the SPGA. If any provision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this By-law shall be held invalid for any reason, all other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. Stormwater: Storm water runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface water runoff and drainage. of the Zoning By-Law, with the terms and conditions of the special permit issuedpursuant to Section 6.19, et seq. The degree to which stormwater runoff and erosion will not be minimized by a RCC. The construction and operation of LGSPI shall be consistent with all applicable local, state and federal requirements, including but not limited to all applicable safety, environmental, Wetlands Protection Act, construction, electrical, and communications requirements. (e) The construction and occupancy of the accessory dwelling unit will not be detrimental to the neighborhood or injurious to persons or property. The applicant shall submit a fully inclusive estimate of the costs associated with removal, prepared by a qualified engineer. The SPAA may direct the applicant to deposit funds with the SPAA for such review at the time the application is accepted, and to add additional funds as needed upon notice. Minimum driveway width: 16(18 if over 100 in length) residential, will not, during construction or thereafter, have an adverse impact. Grading: Changing the level or shape of the ground surface. Entry. which will not alter terrain or drainage patterns; 5. MyHomeCT Program. For instance, handling Regulated Substances in the proximity of water bodies or wetlands may be improper. Septage Regulations. The MyHomeCT Program offers help to eligible Connecticut homeowners by paying mortgage and/or other qualified housing expenses. The amount shall include a mechanism for calculating increased removal costs due to inflation. Name, address, phone number and signature of the project proponent, as well as all co-proponents or property owners, if any; viii. Stormwater management plan: A plan required as part of the application for a Stormwater Management Permit. roadways shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the roadway right-ofway, and a minimum of 50 feet from the outer perimeter of the land subject to the, application. 6.4.4 In the General District, in addition to the signs permitted by Section 6.4.3 one or more signs for advertising a business conducted on the premises is permitted, not projecting above the building on the premises and no larger than one square foot for each linear foot of frontage up to a maximum of 100 square feet. 8. This By-Law permits the construction of accessory dwelling units in Single Residence Districts A, B, C, and E in order to meet the following objectives: (a) To facilitate the availability of suitable private housing for moderate and lower income, elderly and younger citizens of the Town while preserving the existing character of single family districts. The affordable housing use restriction shall meet the requirements of the Local Initiative Program. (h) Adequate provisions shall be made for the disposal of sewage, waste and drainage caused by the occupancy of such dwelling unit. The Zoning Enforcement Office determines whether proposed uses of land are permitted at the location described, provides guidance for the location of buildings (from malls to tool sheds) and assists in the enforcement of some town ordinances. The applicant shall provide funds to the Planning Board to pay for the technical review by the Planning Board's choice of consultant(s) of said hydrogeologic and hydrologic information and the Planning Board shall base its decision, in part, on the report by said consultant(s). [Added 1984]. Designating the Contiguous Open Space. It is presumed that this standard is met when: a. suitable nonstructural practices for source control and pollution prevention are implemented;b. stormwater management best management practices (BMPs) are sized to capture the prescribed runoff volume; and. 9. Home / Ordinances/Zoning & Planning. A special permit issued for any WECF shall be valid for twenty (20) years. c.94G and regulations promulgated and/or incorporated thereunder, and otherwise by their plain language. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. E . To comply with state and federal statutes and regulations relating to stormwater discharges; and. A buffer or greenstrip planted with live shrubs or trees, predominantly evergreen, shall if feasible be maintained between the perimeter of the LGSPI and any abutting property line or street unless the existing natural growth is adequate to provide an equivalent buffer. 3. The owner and operator shall be responsible for the cost of maintaining the LGSPI and any access road(s), unless accepted as a public way. This By-Law also pertains to physical modifications that materially alter the type, configuration, or size of these installations or related equipment. Minimize the total amount of disturbance on the site. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. Each building lot shall contain a house site which is in the harmony with the general intent of the Zoning By-Law. (Community Emergency Response Team), Assessment and Collection (Tax & Water payments), Communications and Civic Engagement Office, C.E.R.T. Planning / Zoning. The conversion of a structure existing on the lot as of May 6, 1991, that does not involve any increase in the size, height or volume of the structure, including the construction of exterior stairways, porches, patios or decks, shall not require a special permit. No Marijuana Business shall be established except in conformity with this By-Law and all applicable laws and regulations, including such regulations as may be promulgated by the Board ofHealth; and the requirements of 105 CMR 725.00 et seq. No LGSPI shall be required to obtain an independent special permit under either section. The Policy addresses stormwater impacts through implementation of performance standards to reduce or prevent pollutants from reaching water bodies and control the quantity of runoff from a site. Dimension and Density Requirements. 7. Outstanding design services at affordable price without compromising on quality, Helps You to establish a market presence, or to enhance an existing market position, by providing a cheaper and more efficient ecommerce website, Our quality-driven web development approach arrange for all the practices at the time of design & development, Leverage the power of open source software's with our expertise. Applications for building permits for construction subject to Site Plan Review shall be accompanied by a Site Plan Review application form and seven (7) prints of the plans of the proposal. In addition to the application requirements set forth in the rulesof the Special Permit Granting Authority, a Special Permit application for aMarijuana Business shall include the following: The above information may be confidential and exempt from the provisions of G.L. d) All signs shall comply with the requirements of the Zoning By-Law. How land clearing and construction shall be performed in accordance with, Documentation of actual or prospective access and control of the project site, (d) Zoning district designation for the parcel(s) of land comprising the project, (e) Proof of liability insurance written by companies licensed to provide such, (f) Description of financial surety that satisfies Section Should the testing and monitoring of a facility site reveal that the site exceeds any applicable federal, state or local regulations, the owner(s) of all Facilities at that site shall be so notified. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Following these workshops, the Planning Board will make necessary changes based on community input and will then hold Planning Board hearings on the revised draft, before a Final Draft Bylaw is put forth for a vote at Fall Town Meeting. 10.3.10 EXHIBIT B: "BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES" FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. One City Hall Plaza If, several years later, the appraised value of the unit at the time of proposed resale is $325,000, the unit may be sold for no more than $243,750, or 75% of the appraised value of $325,000. For any questions, please feel free to contact Sue Brown, Manchesters Town Planner at . Where this By-Law or any portion thereof imposes a greater restriction than is imposed by other regulations, the provisions of this By-Law shall control. If the Planning Board determines that said construction or site alteration has not been completed, it shall specify in a notice sent by registered mail to the applicant and to the Town Clerk, the details wherein said construction or site alteration fails to comply with the special permit and upon failure to do so within forty-five (45) days after the receipt by said Town Clerk of said request by the applicant, all obligations under the bond shall cease and terminate by operation of law, any deposit shall be returned, and such other covenant shall become void. The FIRM, FIS booklet, and LOMR are incorporated herein by reference and are on file with the Town Clerk, Planning Board, and Director of Public Works. (e) Minimum requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage, DEP (currently 310 CMR 15, Title 5); Any variances from the provisions and requirements of the above-referenced State regulations shall be granted only in accordance with the required variance procedures of these State regulations. 3. Please bring a plot plan of your proposed project to the Town Office for approval. A full written report including the steps taken to contain and clean up the spill shall be submitted to the Fire Department, Director of Public Works, and the Town Administrator within fifteen (15) days of discovery of the spill. Electrical transformers for utility interconnections may be above ground if required by the utility provider. If erected on a corner lot, fences must meet certain height and distance requirements. Any accessory use in an accessory building when completely screened from the abutting streets or lots; 4.4.7 By special permit from the Planning Board, Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers, as defined by Section 8.3.3 of the Zoning By-Law. Such organization shall be acceptable to the Town as a bona fide conservation organization; or. Manchester, NH 03101 [Adopted 2003]. The following requirements and conditions shall apply to all MarijuanaBusinesses: A Marijuana Business shall be allowed only by Special Permitin accordance with G.L. Alteration of drainage characteristics: Any activity on an area of land that changes the water quality, force, direction, timing or location of runoff flowing from the area. Having reliable, timely support is essential for uninterrupted business operations. (c) The surface water supplies of Gravelly and Round Ponds supplement the Town's groundwater resource, and are similarly considered an indispensable natural resource. (g) Residential approval not required (ANR) land divisions and/or subdivisions pursuant to M.G.L. The applicant shall provide a description of any WECF fire protection system and a copy of the project summary, an electrical schematic, and plot or site plan to the local emergency services designated by the Planning Board. Our new online application system is now available: A dwelling unit that qualifies as a local initiative unit under the Commonwealths Local Initiative Program and meets the requirements of a subsidized housing unit for purposes of listing in the subsidized housing inventory under G. L. c. 40B Sec. After notice and public hearing the Board of Appeals may grant such a permit provided that: (a) Except in Single Residence District E, the lot size shall be two (2) times the minimum lot size as determined by the zoning regulations. appropriately addressed by a RCC Development. Changes to Operation and Maintenance Plans. [Added 1988], 7.9 Planning Board Fees and Expenses [added 2007]. Applicants shall be required to obtain a special permit from the Planning Board to use any lot or seaway for helicopter landing, storage or parking within the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea. The completed application is returned (faxed or hand-carried) to the Carroll County Permits Office who will then issue the permit. 7.5.4 Failure of the special permit granting authority to act within 90 days following the public hearing shall be deemed to be the grant of the special permit applied for and the applicant shall be entitled to whatever documents are necessary to evidence such permit. [Added 1982] (See 6.2.5), 5.4 Minimum Area and Dimensional Requirements. No living quarters shall be located so that the floor elevation is more, than 36 inches below the finished exterior grade. The Board of Appeals shall elect one of its members as chairman and one of its members as clerk, each to serve for a one year term. (1) It shall be unlawful for anyone to improperly change or amend, by additions or deletions, any part or portion of the Ordinance or to alter or tamper with such Ordinance in any manner whatsoever which will cause the law of the Town of Manchester to be misrepresented thereby. Alternately, any resident can gather 25 names on a petition and then request a zoning amendment be placed on the ballot. [Amended 1982, 1986, 1987, 1989, 2007], DISTRICT MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM FRONT, District A 10 ft. *, District B 5 ft. *, District C 15 ft. *, Residence District D 5ft. *, District E 15 ft. *, General District 5ft. *, *Accessory structures shall be set back from the street(s) on which the lot has frontage at least. streams, marshes, historic sites, unique geological and botanical areas or features, trails, paths and open-space links, specimen trees, wildlife habitat and contiguous forested areas, and preserve natural vegetative buffer zones abutting neighboring parcels. The Planning Board may require, prior to accepting land as satisfaction of the requirements of this Bylaw, that the applicant submit appraisals of the land in question, as well as other data relevant to the determination of equivalent value; (d) For non-rental affordable housing units, a cash payment to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund may be made subject to Section 9.4.11 of this Bylaw. Also, NO buildings are to be located on drainage and utility easements. To answer why the Planning Board is undertaking this initiative, consider that Manchesters original Zoning Bylaw and map was adopted in 1945. 6.16.2(e) Interior Area Special Permits: Topographical changes (other than Excluded Activities) within the Interior Area for any lot in Single Residence Districts A, B, C, and E, and in Residence District D, may not be made without a special permit from the Planning Board (in addition to any Earth Removal Permit which may be required under Article XII of the Towns General By-Law) if such changes: (1) Involve within the Interior Area removal of any portion of any pre-construction exposed ledges; and/or, (2) Result in a change in elevation (from the pre-construction elevation) of more than 10 feet at any point (otherwise than within the footprint of any structure) within the Interior Area; and/or, (3) Result in the excavation, deposit or removal of more than 100 cubic yards of earth, clay, sand, gravel and rock within the Interior Area, whether or not any such material so excavated, deposited or removed is relocated elsewhere either within the Interior Area or the lot; and/or. The Planning Board shall select between three (3) and six (6) sight lines, including from the nearest building with a view of the WECF, for pre- and post-construction view representations. The board authorized in this By-Law to grant a special permit for a specified use is herein designated as the special permit granting authority for that use. Junk car regulations will not change. Each development plan shall follow the design process outlined below. Stormwater discharges from areas with higher potential pollutant loads require the use of specific stormwater management BMPs (see Stormwater Management Volume I: Stormwater Policy Handbook). This is not a approval of any specific projects. Each special permit granting authority shall adopt rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of this By-Law and The Zoning Act or other applicable provisions of the General Laws, for the conduct of its business and shall file a copy of such rules with the Town Clerk. The standards below must be met without counting any existing parking necessary for existing activities to meet these requirements. Chimneys, spires or towers not used for human occupancy may extend ten (10) feet above these height limits. Activities or land uses that otherwise require a special permit from the Planning Board shall not be required to obtain an independent special permit under to this Section 6.15 provided that the applicable terms, conditions and requirements of this Section 6.15 are imposed within the special permit issued by the Planning Board. Application system is now available: https: // issued for any WECF shall valid. Level or shape of the wind turbine that rotate during turbine operation manchester zoning regulations to be located so the... Property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow will then issue the permit consistent! Gravel or ground cover consistent with the surrounding landscape required by the utility provider Zoning and! 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