Shuttle Endeavour lifted off on August 8 at 6:36pm EDT into an early evening sky before sunset on ISS Mission 13A.1, carrying a crew of seven: Commander Scott Kelly, Pilot Charlie Hobaugh, and Mission Specialists Dave Williams (CSA/Canadian Space Agency), Rick Mastracchio, Tracy Caldwell, Alvin Drew and Teacher-turned-Astronaut Barbara R. Morgan. Specific rights apply. S72-49079 ( 45k) Original artwork for the Apollo 17 insignia/patch. S71-51308 ( 113k or 741k) The Voyagers owe their longevity to their nuclear power sources, called radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs). has rounded the Sun and will slowly A difficulty arose during the mission with the Russian computers that provide backup attitude control and orbital altitude adjustments. Jan. 29, 2007 . Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). A service of: Editor's Corner. However, the objective of the 4th spacewalk changed in order to repair a solar array, inadvertently torn during deployment, and the 5th spacewalk was transferred to the station crew to perform after the shuttles departure. After launch of NASA's THEMIS (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) mission on February 17 on a Delta-2 rocket, the five THEMIS spacecraft were deployed into a string-of-pearls configuration on near-identical highly elliptical orbits with 31-hour periods. brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. Both Voyagers are still working, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is the result of what happened earlier, and a backlight for the later development of the universe. on January 11 when it snapped the above image of The second close pass of Venus changed the spacecraft's direction around the sun and decelerated it from 22.7 to 17.3 miles per second, placing MESSENGER on target for a flyby of Mercury in January 2008 for a critical gravity assist needed to keep the spacecraft on track for its March 2011 orbit insertion, to begin an unprecedented yearlong study of Mercury. The first science observations from the spacecraft were obtained on March 23, during a disturbance in the Earths magnetic field known as a substorm. This also allows the attitude control system to use the ion thrusters to help control spacecraft attitude. MRO began its its primary science phase in November 2006. The 1,054-lbs (478 kg), piano-sized space probe was the eighth spacecraft to visit Jupiter but a combination of trajectory, timing and technology allowed it to explore details no probe had seen before, such as lightning near the planets poles, the life cycle of fresh ammonia clouds, boulder-size clumps speeding through the planets faint rings, the structure inside volcanic eruptions on its moon Io, and the path of charged particles traversing the previously unexplored length of the planets long magnetic tail. Since its launch, it has provided the first global-scale view of the clouds over the entire 2007 Northern Hemisphere season with an unprecedented resolution of 5 km by 5 km and is nearing completion of observations in the Southern Hemisphere season. "The Moon will appear full for about 3 days around this time, from Thursday evening through Sunday morning," NASA's Solar System Exploration said . Launched in May 2002, the 1750 kg (3858 lb) NASA satellite Aqua, formerly named EOS PM (signifying its afternoon equatorial crossing time), carrying six instruments weighing 1082 kg (2385 lb) designed to collect information on water-related activities worldwide, has been circling Earth in a polar, sun-synchronous orbit of 438 miles (705 km) altitude. The bottom image is a closeup view of the upper left quadrant of the rings, through which Earth is visible in the far, far distance. Also in 2007, GALEX spotted an amazingly long comet-like tail behind a star streaking through space at supersonic speeds. NASA and NOAA scientists, working with experimental data from Aquas Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, a high-spectral resolution infrared instrument that takes 3-D pictures of atmospheric temperatures, water vapor and trace gases, are conducting research on improving the accuracy of medium-range weather forecasts in the Northern Hemisphere. RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, in honor of the late NASA scientist who pioneered the fields of solar-flare physics, gamma-ray astronomy and cosmic ray research), launched on February 5, 2002, in 2007continued its operation in Earth orbit, providing advanced images and spectra to explore the basic physics of particle acceleration and explosive energy release in solar flares. Abus Vallis is on the left and is 66 km long (41 miles). and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) instrument onboard the A rare green comet, last seen in Earth's skies 50,000 years ago, is revisiting our solar system and may become visible to the naked eye within the next few weeks.. This tied the record for Mars data sent back between 1997 and 2006 by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission: about 30 terabits of science data, including more than 15,000 images from three cameras, more than 3,000 targeted observations by a mineral-mapping spectrometer, and more than 2,200 observations with ground-penetrating radar. Science Data are downlinked using an X-band transmitter system which is part of the payload. The photos taken out Gene's window are AS17-145- 22192 to 22197. those taken out Jack's window are 22198 to 22222. Both rovers have found metallic meteorites on Mars. Solar TErrestrial Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. Moving west to east (left to right) across the composited time-lapse image China's Tiangong Space Station traced the upper trail captured more than an hour before the local sunrise.". CALIPSO was launched into orbit around the Earth along with CloudSat as part of the "A-train," a constellation of Earth observing satellites. These are the most significant clue yet in the longstanding mystery of where the dust in our very young universe came from. It is the oldest light in the Universe, having traveled across the cosmos for 14 billion years, and the patterns in this light across the sky encode a wealth of details about the history, shape, content, and ultimate fate of the Universe. and Heliospheric Investigation, NASA Web Of the 19 total launch attempts by the United States in 2007 (23 in 2006, 16 in 2005, 19 in 2004, 26 in 2003), only one (5.3%) was a commercial mission (NASA/civil: 9; military: 9): a Delta-2 rocket with the Worldview-1 imaging satellite, the worlds only commercial satellite with a half-meter image resolution. The two main origin hypotheses for the arcs are that they really are close to Andromeda ( M31 ), or that they are just coincidentally placed gas filaments in our Milky Way galaxy. NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (formerly called the Microwave Anisotropy Mission, MAP), launched on June 30, 2001, on a Delta-2, is now located in an orbit around the second Lagrange libration point L2. Among else, Cassini discovered a narrow belt harboring moonlets as large as football stadiums in Saturn's outermost ring, probably remains of a larger moon shattered by a wayward asteroid or comet eons ago. This was the 51st landing for the Space Shuttle Program at EAFB, and Suni Williams became a new record holder for women in space, with 194 days, 18 hours, 58 minutes. NASAs Mars Odyssey probe, launched April 7, 2001, reached Mars on October 24, 2001, after a six-month and 286-million mile journey. Being in a geostationary orbit allows GOES satellites to hover continuously over one position on the Earth's surface, appearing stationary. Pre-Flight Crew and Equipment Photos. The findings are also the first direct evidence that most, if not all, massive galaxies in the distant universe spent their youths building monstrous black holes at their cores. NASAs six-ton (5.4-metric-ton) spacecraft Cassini continued its epic 6.7-year, 3.2-billion-km journey inside the planetary system of Saturn. Melroy and ISS Exp. Its UV colors show that it is actively forming young stars. At maximum thrust, each engine produces a total of 91 millinewtons -- about the amount of force involved in holding a single piece of notebook paper in your hand. Ulysses carries a comprehensive suite of sophisticated scientific instruments, several of which are of a kind never flown in space before. Launched on March 17, 2002, on a Russian Rockot carrier, the twin satellites GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment), named "Tom" and "Jerry", in 2007 continued to map the Earth's gravity fields by taking accurate measurements of the distance between the two satellites, using Global Positioning System (GPS) and a microwave ranging system. After Spirit and Opportunity, NASAs next-generation Mars mission, to land in the Martian arctic in May 2008, is the Phoenix Mars Lander, followed by the next rover, the Mars Science Laboratory, currently in development for launch in 2009. Voyager 1 is literally venturing into the great unknown and is approaching interstellar space. Since its launch the spacecraft has been very successful observing solar flares, which are capable of releasing as much energy as a billion one-megaton nuclear bombs. Swift has become a key tool not only in studies of GRBs, but also in studying galaxies, quasars, supernova, novae, black holes and neutron stars in our Galaxy, along with active stars, and even comets. February 2. In 2007, commercial space activities in the United States reached its lowest level since several years, to some extent due to the export restrictions imposed to the US industry on sensitive technologies. NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center. A third major finding arising from the new WMAP data places tight constraints on the astonishing burst of growth in the first trillionth of a second of the universe, called inflation, when ripples in the very fabric of space may have been created. As of now, there are nearly 88 recognized constellations in the sky. Data from Chandra and other instruments have now confirmed that these so-called "anomalous arms" consist mostly of gas that is being violently heated by shock waves. Its robotic arm will dig into an icy layer believed to lie just beneath the Martian surface. GLAS sends short pulses of green and infrared light though the sky 40 times a second, all over the globe, and collects the reflected laser light with a one-meter telescope, yielding elevations. WMAP has found evidence for this so-called "cosmic neutrino background" from the early universe. The two solar-powered observatories with 3-axis-stabilization, each with a launch mass of 1,364 lbs (620 kilograms, including propellant), were developed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and communicate with its Mission Operations Center via NASAs Deep Space Network. It is not clear which spacecraft will be first, even though Voyager 1 is about 20 AU farther from the Sun than its sister spacecraft. There were also two dual-use (civil & miltary) earth observation satellites launched on US Delta-2 rockets: COSMO-Skymed-1 (Constellation of Small satellites for Mediterranean basin observation) and COSMO-Skymed-2 for the Italian Space Agency (ASI). After NASA formally extended the operational mission of Chandra from five years to 10 years in September 2001 (including the science grants that fund astronomers to analyze their data and publish their results), in 2007 Chandra astronomers discovered one of the fastest moving stars ever seen, a cosmic cannonball that is challenging theories to explain its blistering speed. Plasma burps from the Sun called coronal mass ejections (CMEs) temporarily push the boundary outwards, for example, so that it washes back and forth over the spacecraft like a wave on the beach. WMAP measures a remnant of the early universe - its oldest light. Such clusters would fly apart if they relied only on the gravity from their visible stars. In addition to enabling the missions core business - providing the first survey of the solar wind in four dimensions (three spatial dimensions and time) - this combination has enabled scientists to make many groundbreaking discoveries, some in areas that were not even imagined when the mission was first planned. CloudSat is an experimental mission conducted jointly by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) to study the effects of clouds on climate and weather with capabilities 1,000 times more sensitive than typical weather radar, using millimeter-wavelength radar to measure the altitude and properties of clouds. Georgia, is seen on January 20, 2013, in this image from the International Space Station as it flew approximately 240 . The Chandra X-ray Observatory in 2007 also located an exceptionally massive black hole in orbit around a huge companion star, with intriguing implications for the evolution and ultimate fate of massive stars. From its initial transition to operational mode on June 2, 2006, through the end of 2007, CloudSat has collected close to 9000 granules (orbits) of data, including 300 million radar profiles and about 45 billion individual radar bins (vertical measurements). The adventurers' current mission, the Voyager Interstellar Mission (VIM), will thus explore the outermost edge of the Sun's domain. Russian specialists worked with U.S. teams, troubleshooting and restoring computer capabilities. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. Recorded during evening twilight on January 17, this view features the bright coma and gorgeous, sweeping tail of Comet McNaught (c/2006 P1) over Lake Horowhenua in Levin, a small town on New Zealand's North Island. brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. The massive, growing black holes, discovered by NASA's Spitzer and Chandra space telescopes, represent a large fraction of a long-sought missing population. By November, the orbiter had returned enough data to fill nearly 1,000 CD-ROMs. The twin STEREO spacecraft were launched on October 25 on a Delta-2 7925-10L rocket from CCAFS (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station) in Florida. Traveling at a speed of about one million miles per day, Voyager 1 could cross into interstellar space within the next 10 years. During its six-year mission, Aqua is observing changes in ocean circulation and studies how clouds and surface water processes affect our climate. The space agency adds that the satellite moves at the speed of about five miles (8 km) per second - which is fast enough to travel across the United States in about 10 minutes. THEMIS investigates what causes auroras in the Earth's atmosphere to dramatically change from slowly shimmering waves of light to wildly shifting streaks of color. Published Apr 12, 2017. It is significantly younger than our 5-billion-year-old sun. Read more on . Comet McNaught. Mars Odyssey. In 2007, the Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Office, called for by the U.S. Congress in 2006, was created under the Dept. SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket has lifted off for its fifth mission in history from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sunday (Jan. 15), lofting into orbit a secret payload by the U.S. military. Nasa has collated Hubble's images, and selected one for each day of the year, so you can find one to match with your birthday By Jaymi McCann February 18, 2022 7:55 am (Updated February 18, 2022 . Phoenix. All major contracts for the Ares I rocket were awarded in 2007. CALIPSO is a joint U.S. (NASA) and French (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales-CNES) satellite mission with an expected 3 year lifetime. One such feature is larger than any of the Great Lakes of North America and is about the same size as several seas on Earth. Despite a significant increase in PMC research in recent years, relatively little is known about the basic physics of these clouds at the edge of space and why they are changing. Abus Vallis is on the left and is 66 km long (41 miles). Operators were encountering some noisy housekeeping telemetry, with no significant impact on science data. The International Space Station (ISS), which is the largest modular space station in low Earth orbit was launched back on 20 November 1998. By end-2007, the twin Mars rovers were 46 months into missions originally planned to last three months. Incorporating the instrument's data into numerical weather prediction models improves the accuracy range of experimental six-day Northern Hemisphere weather forecasts by up to six hours, a four-percent increase. NASA explains about the image, "On January 3, two space stations already illuminated by sunlight in low Earth orbit crossed this dark predawn sky. Altitude 1634 miles (2631 km) Speed. GRACE provides scientists from all over the world with an efficient and cost-effective way to chart the Earth's gravity fields with unprecedented accuracy, yielding crucial information about the distribution and flow of mass within the Earth and its surroundings. The 2202-lb (999-kg) CloudSat was launched with the CALIPSO satellite by a Delta-2 from VAFB on April 28, 2006, into a polar orbit at an altitude of 438 miles (705 km). brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. An extra day was added to the mission between the 4th & 5th spacewalks to provide the crew off-duty time and equipment preparation for the 5th EVA. Highlights of military space in 2007 included the launch of the first USAF Wideband Global System (WGS) broadband communications satellite which marked a major step in military capabilities, on an Atlas-5 (Oct. 11). Since the launch of AIM, significant progress has been made in achieving this goal and that progress continues at a rapid rate. With the objective to improve weather forecasting and monitor environmental events around the world, NOAA-18 continued in 2007 to collect data about the Earth's surface and atmosphere. The second encounter offered opportunities for new observations of Venus's atmosphere, cloud structure, and space environment. Spirit (MER-A) & Opportunity (MER-B). But the new Hubble images revealed a rapid transformation in the shape and color of Jupiter's clouds near the equator, marking the entire face of the globe. The launch returned Endeavour to active service after a three-year hiatus for major modifications. Atlantis delivered two major truss segments, S3/S4, to the station. From January through June, New Horizons seven science instruments made more than 700 separate observations of the Jovian system twice the activity planned at Pluto with most of them coming in the eight days around closest approach to Jupiter. But the shock did not look the way it was expected to: instead of seeing a very abrupt drop, the spacecraft observed a gradual slowing of the solar wind ahead of each crossing, followed by a relatively small drop at the termination shock itself. Highly complementary with CloudSat, the CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) satellite continued in 2007 to provide new insight into the role that clouds and atmospheric aerosols (airborne particles) play in regulating Earth's weather, climate, and air quality. During 2007, the spacecraft were in a coast phase collecting information about the interaction of the solar wind and the Earths magnetic field. At end-2007, the twin rovers, nearing the fourth anniversary of their landings, were getting smarter as they got older. In 2007, it entered the heliosheath on August 30 at a distance of 84 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun (1 AU is the distance between the Earth and Sun). In October, the New Horizons spacecraft found hints that Jupiter's tiniest moons have been obliterated. This series of images, taken by the Opportunity rover in July 2007, shows a darkening sky as a huge regional dust storm covered . The CMBR is the light left over from the Big Bang, bathing the whole Universe in this afterglow light. ion tail of After lifting off on a Delta-2 launch vehicle at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on September 27 at 7:34am EDT, NASAs Dawn spacecraft began a 4.8-billion-kilometer (3-billion-mile) odyssey deep in to the Asteroid Belt, including exploration of asteroid Vesta in 2011 and the dwarf planet Ceres in 2015. These data have now been officially incorporated into the NOAA National Weather Service operational weather forecasts. The robotic lander is scheduled to arrive at the Red Planet on May 25, 2008, and begin a close examination of Mars' northern polar region. & Michigan Tech. Images. The spacecraft scanned the popular star during its ongoing survey of the entire sky in UV light. Both spacecraft are part of a constellation of spacecraft called the "A-Train," including Aqua, Aura and PARASOL, dedicated to studying the Earths weather and environment, with CloudSat orbiting approximately one minute behind Aqua. Jerry Bonnell (USRA) On the moon Enceladus, Cassini observed jets of fine, icy particles spraying from the moon that originate from the hottest spots on the moon's "tiger stripe" fractures that straddle the moon's south polar region. At the ISS, the STS-120 crew continued the construction of the station with the installation of the Node-2 module, named Harmony, and the relocation of the P6 truss segment. Discover the cosmos! Hubble was and is making discoveries at a rate that is unprecedented for a single observatory, and its contributions to astronomy and cosmology are wide-ranging. Featured Resources . Astronomy Picture of the Day Calendar . Among its findings are some of the weirdest landscapes on Mars as well as more familiar-looking parts of the Red Planet: One type of landscape near its south pole is called "cryptic terrain" because it once defied explanation, but new observations bolster and refine recent interpretations of how springtime outbursts of carbon-dioxide gas there sculpt intricate patterns and paint seasonal splotches. Dawn's science instrument suite will measure elemental and mineral composition, shape, surface topography, and tectonic history, and will also seek water-bearing minerals. Data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory show both galaxies contain supermassive black holes at their centers, but the larger galaxy has a jet emanating from the vicinity of its black hole. Phoenix also uses two instruments delivered for the '01 lander that have been in protected storage: the MECA (Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer), and MARDI (Mars Descent Imager). Launched on shuttle mission STS-93 on July 23, 1999, the massive (12,930 lbs/5,870 kg) Chandra X-ray Observatory uses a high-resolution camera, high-resolution mirrors and a charge-coupled detector (CCD) imaging spectrometer to observe X-rays of some of the most violent phenomena in the universe which cannot be seen by the Hubble's visual-range telescope. The work, done at KSC, included addition of a glass cockpit, a Global Positioning System (GPS) for landing and the Station-to-Shuttle Power Transfer System (SSPTS) which allows the Orbiter to draw power from the space station, enabling an extended stay for the mission,- 14 days in this case. Many of the close-up observations focused on studying the strange 20-kilometer high (12 mile) mountain ridge that gives the moon a walnut-shaped appearance. Astronomers then noticed what looked like a comet with a gargantuan tail. The star cluster IC348 can be seen . Anyone interested in supporting a good cause, call 757-864-1296. On Wednesday evening, Feb. 2, 2022, the bright planet Jupiter will appear about 5 degrees to the upper right of the waxing crescent Moon. The multipoint spacecraft and dedicated ground observatories allowed researchers to track the development of the substorm via a proof-of-concept study demonstrating novel techniques that will be used throughout the course of the mission. Authors & editors: NASA's Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More NASA approves development of NEO Surveyor for a launch no later than June 2028. In February 2007, it had already surpassed the record for the most science data returned by any Mars spacecraft. (NASA/Yann Sainty/Marcel Drechsler) The $720 million spacecraft was built by Lockheed Martin under the supervision of NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). 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