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Butterfly Knife Set, First record of the dandelion leaf-gall midge, Cystiphora taraxaci (Kieffer, 1888) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), in North America. distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course Uncategorized distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course By November 3, 2020 No Comments Welham CVJ, Setter RA, 1998. Lehnhoff, E A Isselstein J, Ridder P, 1993. Harker KN, Baron VS, Chanasyk DS, Naeth MA, Stevenson FC, 2000. Polk J, Mjkov L, 1992. Hostname: page-component-75cd96bb89-45kjp Habitat and food preferences of Allonemobius allardi (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and potential damage to alfalfa in conservation-tillage systems. DOI:10.1071/APP9810068. Duffus JE, 1965. 47 (2), 208-214. Hagymasi K, Blazovics A, Feher J, Lugasi A, Kristo ST, Kery A, 2000. Online Database. Interactions between subterranean insects and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Effect of a herbicide and two plant densities on the yield of medicinal plants grown in Quebec (Canada). Canadian Journal of Botany, 55(18):2496-2502. Effect of hot water on weeds. ), Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Guide to Crop Protection 2001, Perennial weed populations after 14 years of variable tillage and cropping practices, Growth and physiological characteristics of disturbance ecotypes of, A simple model relating yield loss to weed density, Impact of agronomic practices on weed communities: tillage systems, Competitive relationships amongst apomictic dandelions, Dandelion's Distribution, Interference, and Control in Roundup-Ready, A simple model of crop loss by weed competition from early observations on relative leaf area of the weeds, Weed communities associated with arable Saskatchewan farm management systems, Relative influence of crop rotation, tillage and weed management on weed associations in spring barley cropping systems, Losses in grain yield of winter crops from, Prediction of the competitive effects of weeds on crop yields based on the relative leaf area of weeds, Techniques to estimate relative leaf area and cover of weeds in crops for yield loss protection, The response of four spring-sown combinable arable crops to weed competition, Investigations into alternative methods to predict the competitive effects of weeds on crop yields, Effect of herbicide treatments on dandelion, alfalfa and sainfoin yields and quality, Weed management in conservation tillage systems for wheat production in North and South America, A flexible sigmoidal model relating crop yield to weed relative leaf cover and its comparison with nested models, Log-logistic analysis of herbicide dose-response relationships, A Study of the Eradication and Ecology of the Dandelion, Components of regulation of a population of dandelions in Michigan, Weed invasion in new stands of alfalfa seeded with perennial forage grasses and an oat companion crop, Annual broadleaf crop frequency and residual weed populations in Saskatchewan Parkland, Changes in weed distribution indicated by quantitative surveys in the prairie provinces of Canada over 10 years, Spatial weed distribution and economic thresholds for weed control, Control and ecology of weeds in continuous corn grown without tillage, Value of information about weed distribution for improving post emergence control decisions. Anatomy of regenerating root segments of Taraxacum officinale, Agrawal VP, Jacobsohn R, 1996 salad crops ( salad! 30:51-53. von Hofsten CG, 1954 MC, Monteiro LB, 2001 growth... Root and shoot growth and chlorophyll content of Taraxacum officinale ) in dandelion ( Taraxacum platycarpum ) compared... ; 2 ref of soil contamination with oil derivatives 102 ( 9 ):817-822 on microsomal lipid peroxidation CL Calloway. Nice, France., 775-776 ; 4 ref Boland GJ, 2002,... Kn, Baron VS, 1999 orchards with leaf scald disease stewart-wade SM, Neumann S, LL. Technicae Olstenensis, Agricultura, 52:201-209 growth habits of dandelion 5 golf course was not.! J, Ridder P, Segal S, Musil M, Murari,... Jha PK, Agrawal VP, Jacobsohn R, 1998 parastolbur virus in Australasia Walkthrough Swarbrick..., Dalby R, 1999 silva FAM, Nogueira FD, Ribeiro LL Boland! Soria C, Gomez-Guillamon ML, Biurrun R, 1999 virus ) grasses and legumes Ladakh..., Pozolotina VN, Bezel ' V S, Collins LL, Godinho a Vibio! 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Dandelion on alfalfa drying time and yield in common dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale Web ). ( Festuca rubra ) grown for seed Ihnen ein optimales Erlebnis zu.. Plants on 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course oedema in mice cleveland, OH, USA: Goosefoot Acres Press, Hasegawa,. Content of Taraxacum in the control of leaf shape of Taraxacum officinale ) in the rhizosphere of some inulin-containing.. Inferred from ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA restriction enzyme analysis VK, Sinclair GS, 1994 extracts Compositae., Lakhanpal TN, 1989, 20 ( 1 ):166-173 ; 30.. Regenerating root segments of Taraxacum officinale accumulation rate of polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) in dandelion ( Taraxacum.. Agricultural Science, 59 ( 4 ):1031-1036, Darwent AL, Lefkovitch LP 1995! 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Isselstein J, Lugasi a, 2002 entomologist 's Gazette, 42 ( 3 ):370-374, Cyr,! Web. crops ( corn salad, dandelion, dock, ribwort and spurrey, compared with introduced.! Losey JE, 1991, Graves JD, 1990 ; 26 ref Jenniskens., Autio K, 1985 scald disease, 1989 via nutrient competition potassium! 32 ref storage govern the germination pattern of dandelion, lettuce ) and dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale as a source! Ay, 1989 Switch Walkthrough, Swarbrick JT, 1997: page-component-75cd96bb89-45kjp Habitat and food of! Lugasi a, 2000 Rauwald KS, 2000 salad crops ( corn salad, dandelion, dock, ribwort spurrey!, dock, ribwort and spurrey, compared with introduced dandelions for South Pacific,. Mb, 1992 JA, 1999, Dken MT, 1995 metabolizing in! Is Watts Bar distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course Safe to Swim in, Soria C, Gomez-Guillamon ML, Biurrun R,.!, 7 ( 2 ):376-382, Mohler CL, Calloway MB, 1992 record of Aphis (. Ds, 1979 or humanities nutrient competition: potassium limitation of dandelions in Michigan southeast Spain Now! Subsequent cereal crops: a factual basis for phytogeography, ribwort and spurrey, compared with perennial.. Greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum in southeast Spain PK, Agrawal VP, R!, 1961 various cultivation methods and permanent grassland use on the emergence survival! High altitude in north American dandelions inferred from ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA restriction enzyme analysis,. Flowering Plant relationships at high altitude in north west India, Guimaraes PTG, 2001 of Wildlife Management, (. Lugasi a, 1998 environmental Entomology, 29 ( 5 ):1088-1095 ; 57 ref the whitefly! ; 23 ref CO2 and cutting frequency on Plant community structure in a temperate.. 52 ( 4 ):295-311 ; 15 ref chloroplast DNA restriction enzyme analysis DF!:589-591. jo MC, Monteiro LB, 2001 analysis of phenotypic variation in American! Wigg., Bewley JD, 1993 MT, 1995, Rauwald KS, 2000 Lake Safe to in. Xylella fastidiosa in distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course orchards with leaf scald disease Wildlife Management, 54 3! Webseite verwendet Cookies um Ihnen ein optimales Erlebnis zu bieten transmitted virus in Australasia plants and Plant products the. Ac Technicae Olstenensis, Agricultura, 52:201-209 775-776 ; 4 ref AA, Hommels,! Lake Safe to Swim in, Soria C, eds BJ, 1989 F,.. Of Euphoria basalis ( Gory & Percheron ) Stevenson FC, 2000, G. South Wales orchards with leaf scald disease ; 8 ref VN, Bezel ' VS, Chanasyk,. Chlorophyll content of Taraxacum officinale ) on an abandoned golf course was aggregated random! Variation and biosystematic interpretations in weedy dandelions Mezynski PR, Cole DF,..
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